I got the job! I'm moving in a week and I will no longer be a College Sugarbaby. Sad day but OH SO relieving in the end! I'm ready to make my first million, with the help of an SD of course!
The hunt has been pretty boring and I can see right through most of the fakes on the websites this time around. I'm not really so desperate for cash these days and it shows from some of the messages that I feel I have no reason to respond to, which might be the majority of them. SB's can be picky too! Fuck that double standard! I'm critical of everything and I can't help it, that's just me.
One online final for the rest of my life... This is my finals week... Sorry for those of you that aren't so fortunate. But I have paid my dues during the demanding semester.
Keep you dolls updated on the newly picked pots ;)