Mar 28, 2010

How FUCKED is this?

I'm just giving up on men and boys (aren't they just all boys anyway?)... Can I be celibate for the rest of my life?

To give you the short story: military guy went to the bar WITH me and my friends, he saw someone from high school and talked to her all night pretty much, when ever we would go up to talk to him she would run away. ** CLUE** something was going on...

He comes home with me and says he has the girls keys in his pocket, I FUCKING DRIVE HIM BACK TO THE BAR. (ya I know fucking retarded of me) He is talking to her for what feels like 3 minutes, I counted down 5-4-3-2-1 and he finally got in the car. At this point I could totally tell what was going on and fully expected him to say "Hey you know what, I'm just going to go home with her"  that comment didn't happen until we got back to the house and an hour later, after  him telling me how much he liked me and how well he thought of me,etc. a.k.a. BUNCH OF BULL SHIT! I called him out on going a seeing that girl. I was right of course. I told him to go and have fun, but she probably isn't going to fuck as well as me and might be a stage 5 clinger. I should have just shut my mouth, he really didn't give two fucks about my opinion at that time.

I told him that's why I don't ever let my guard down and finally the person I choose to let it down for he screws me over. Now yes, I was trying to give him a bit of a guilt trip but it was very true at the time. I haven't cried over a guy in so long I don't even know how to cry over a guy anymore.

I deleted his number from my phone but I would really love to talk to him about how much it hurt me... or should I?!?

I'm so sick of guys. What would you do in this situation?

I'm probably still drunk writing this message because I couldn't get any sleep. It just kept playing over and over through my mind.


Anonymous said...

Oops! I posted the comment on your last post to the wrong post. It should be posted to this one!

Tmoco said...

It sounds like typical college bullshit. Aka: NOT worth your time. After college, everything relating to dating gets better. :)

Sarah Sugarbaby said...

I have been going through the same thing lately. All the guys I meet are complete douche bags. Just try to forget about him---he is not the guy for you. The guy for you wouldn't have done that and will do anything for you!

SunshineSugar said...

sleaze ball x3