Dec 31, 2009

'09 in a nutshell- Hopes and Goals for 2010

2009 has been a HUGE learning experience for me. I look at back at where I was last year at this time and I am so thankful that (Insert higher being here) has planted me in this little sugary garden.

To give you a little insight on where I was last year, I was dating someone I went to high school with that I didn't know at the time. We became an item and were together for two years. He was the biggest bull-shitter I have ever known and I still love him. He was my first love. He had promised me everything under the sun and did everything he could do to get it for me. The only problem was, he didn't work that hard to get me everything under the sun he had promised. I was on the fast track to becoming the fiance, the wife, the mom, the bread winner of the family with a fiance, husband, the dad, that sat on his ass telling me about our kids and how they were growing up because he had no ambition.

One day I took a step back and realized I didn't want to be there. I wanted to be the fiance, the wife, the mom, who didn't really have to work, but did it to keep her busy and have some extra cash for shopping or fun vacations. I ultimately want to be the wife on the movie The Blind Side.
The wife that actually runs the house but makes it appear that her husband does.

I hope to find this one day in my life and I know it will come, for now I am just thankful that I get to be apart of the sugar lifestyle. To have gifts, to be adored by older men, to have a mentor (because my father decided to step down from that position when I was 3), to be treated like a princess and to show my appreciation to them.

The list for 2010:

  • Never stray from the person I really am
  • Get back into horseback riding
  • Make myself more irresistible to men (aka loose a little more lbs and tone it up)
  • Get an amazing internship
  • Have amazing times with SDs while I still have time
  • Get a trip to Europe 
  • A new car (or new to me) a convertible would be amazing!
  • Look the part as an SB and future business woman, no more t shirts :(
  • Take golf lessons
  • Piano lessons (that might have to come next year)
  • Try to go to a yoga studio 3 times a week
  • Finally get an allowance from a SD
  • Get A's and B's this semester 
  • Start reading more 
I'm sure I will add more later. I can't really think of all I want to accomplish this year. That's a pretty good list to start with.

I hope all of you have an amazing New Year! I will be baby sitting for a 6 year old. It shouldn't be THAT bad. Making easy money in the New Year!

SMY called to see what I was doing tonight. He almost got kicked out of his house last night. What a dumb ass! I told him I was baby sitting. I might spend the night with him after I get done with baby sitting, if he is at his other place.I think he is falling for me and I think it scares him, almost scares me a bit. He asked when I was going back to school and I said probably around the 13 or 14th. He knows I don't start school until the next week and asked me why I was going back so early and I told him I was going to go to Denver for a little vay-kay. He asked what I would do and why I was going. I almost mentioned that it was another guy taking me there. Should I let him know that it's an SD taking me there? I don't want him to think he is the only one I'm "waiting" around for. But I also don't want him to shove it in my face later. I know I should be honest with him, but I'm so torn. I don't want to hurt his feelings, if there are any. I think he is scared I might hurt him. He might be right.....

Haven't talked to Mr. Denver today. I wonder what he is getting into tonight...

How cool would it be to celebrate the New Year up in the mountains with champagne, hottubs, snow, all in an amazing log cobin.... May have to be on the list for next New Year! Or on the Dateline in a big yatch! DUDE! Lots to make come true in this next year. I better get busy!

Luv ya mean it, girls!
-Nicole SS


FL Sugar said...

Don't tell him you're going to Denver with another guy. If it's getting serious, he'll only shove it in your face later.

My SD found out a guy flew to south FL and he was completely devastated. So if you're good at hiding things, please don't tell him.

Anyway, have a wonder, safe time in Denver and hope you have a great New Years!

Nicole SugarSugar said...

Hope you have a great New Years as well!

Thanks so much for the advice!

East Coast, USA said...

I love your list! I totally agree with everything you said. Minus the piano lessons, because at this point I can teach myself songs. Lol. Oh, and I want ALL A's.

Do you have a RW job?

Peace n Love in 2010.

Nicole SugarSugar said...

My dad and I play by ear. I have always wanted to know the chords and be classically trained. I just want to hear a song and go up to the piano and play it, right there, chords and main chorus and everything... That would be SO amazing.

I think I need to add to the list
Speak up. Ask for what I want. If I don't like something I should let someone know. If I do like something I should let them know.

I just hate not pleasing someone. I guess that habit needs to be knocked out ASAP.

I don't have RW job right now. I might get a part time when I get back to school. It's going to be so hard juggling my sugar life, my studios, studies, and a part time job. So I might just stick with the life that I have now and just have an allowance from a SD. That's why I have that on the list for 2010.