These are the "lessons" that Mr. Brickbreaker has been sending me. They have been very insightful and think they would benefit some new sugarbabies, maybe even some of the more experienced.
LESSON ONE: learn to say the words “I want.” You have to be able to tell me things like “I want you to buy me this dress” and “I need five hundred dollars.” This is not as easy as it sounds. You might be uncomfortable the first couple of times. But it’s VERY important that eventually that become natural and easy thing for you to say.
A Sugar Daddy *enjoys* satisfying his babe’s wants and needs. But he must know what they are! I won’t be able to read your mind at the beginning. Later, once I have learned what makes you happy, it gets easier. Self-centeredness is what being a Sugar Babe is about. It's NOT a bad quality, not for a Sugar Babe; you must stop thinking of it that way.
Did I say there was no homework? I lied! Here is your assignment: you must practice saying “I want” so that you are used to it. Like this:
“I want to get rid of my crappy cellphone and get a BlackBerry.”
Write me 5 sentences like that. Each one starting with “I want.” They might be something you want to buy, some amount of money you want to have to pay a bill, an experience you want to have like a spa treatment... whatever. But make them things you’d expect your Sugar Daddy to give you – no matter how simpatico we are I’m not going to buy you a Range Rover.
Very true, I am trying to get better at vocalizing my wants.
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