Nov 23, 2009

Lesson 2


The art of being a sugar babe lies in pleasing your man so perfectly that control – which starts out with the man – passes gradually also to *you*. To be a sugar babe is *not* to be submissively obedient; that's a common and unfortunate misconception. A sugar babe challenges and pushes her daddy, too.

The things that stimulate your sugar daddy are very different than what pleases boys your age. I know you’re sophisticated and mature for your age, but only a strong, adult woman can truly handle being a sugar babe. She knows how to use both her mind and body to attain her goals. Is that you? We'll see!

- you must be able to carry on intelligent, opinionated conversations about books, film, current events – the more topics, the better.
- you should naturally and gracefully fit in at fine restaurants, the theatre, upscale shops, anywhere we go on our dates.
- you should discreetly flaunt your beauty. I want other’s men’s heads to turn when I’m out with you: you will be my arm candy. But I want them to look because you’re naturally, simply beautiful, not because you have tried too hard to be sexy by wearing too much makeup, dressing inappropriately for the occasion, and so on.
- you must be able to lie with skill. Our relationship is private. If we meet anyone I know, you must tell the cover story we will invent as easily as if it were the truth.
- you must be observant and pick up on my preferences and dislikes, filing them away in their memory.
- you must become skilled at flirtation and teasing, if you are not already.
- when you give the simplest gift a woman can give a man, you must remember view it or offer it as a quid pro quo.
- you must never, ever be shy about telling me what YOU want. Remember lesson 1?

I said there were no tests in Sugar Babe 101. I lied!

1) Tell me three valuable (to you) things (not objects; think more generally) you will enjoy giving your SD.
2) How old have the guys you’ve dated been? (this helps me understand if you've been in any quasi-SD relationships in the past)
3) What are you going to say to your friends when they ask you how you got the extra money or the new things?
4) What are you going to say to me the first time I give you an envelope, you open it and see that it’s filled with cash?
5) When you’re out on a date and you catch another guy looking at you, do you make eye contact and flirt with him? Do you make sure guy you’re with notices you doing this, or do you try to hide it?
6) Do you know what it means to be a Femme Fatale? If not, check out Do you think you can become a Femme Fatale to get what you want?


concerned said...

what are the answers!!!!!???

i have no idea what i'd do!!!

chloe said...

I KNOW!!!! What are the answers? i need to know this stuff!